Sunday, October 18, 2009

Life Happens......

Life happens and that's a fact. For those who have wondered where I "disappeared to" well, I appreciate your thoughts and concern. I'm still around but I've had my hands full. In the last few weeks I've had all the usual stuff (and some fun extras....really, truly) and some not-so-fun extras including:

- Fraud on my bank account
- Harddrive meltdown
- The heartbreaking saga and surrender of my Alaskan Malamute
- Hospice care for an Uncle
- Broken hip for my grandfather
- Funeral for said uncle
- Nursing care / therapy for grandfather

and of course all the associated calls, visits, time, and family. I must say I have been blessed with some really AWESOME family, friends and co-workers. Such a wonderful bonus to offset some of that not-fun life stuff. The family upheaval did bring visits from afar including that of my mother all the way from Thailand. She will be staying with me weekends until early December since she is here to teach, not just visit us all. My brother from Florida was also able to come for a week and we had some great laughs all together. Silver linings, ya know?

Some other fun:

- Family visits and laughs
- Great, supportive friends
- Marvelous designs from BadCat to play with including the Summer Squares projects and other new patterns (details on her blog -> link over to the right ->)
- Knitting therapy
- Weaving (yup, you'll see.....)
- Spinning (spindles, wheel......loads of therapy AND fun but to share another day)
- New wood to play with (Red Cedar - awesome stuff!)

....and ever so much more..........don't let the list at the top fool you, I have a great deal to be grateful for and I don't forget that, especially when "life" happens ;-)

Moving along on that same sort of "life" path, one of my cousins is expecting twins and while I haven't finished everything I have planned for her I actually have not been idle with my knitting needles and even weaving. (The spinning is for other things but has been great therapy as well!)

Today I bring you a couple of cute little baby hats, one shown above and the other here:

Sorry about the lack of focus - perhaps it's symbolic? Nah, just a needs a better photographer, hehehe.

You can safely assume that the twins in this case are expected to be a boy & girl, not identical.

I've not managed all the booties yet but a pair in lovely cashmere - a fingering weight marl (naturally from Colourmart!). One is of course washed and the other shown not so you can see the amazing transformation that takes place.....

I have soooooo much more to share - take note of the growing list of finished objects and status changes in the sidebars. Those don't even include nearly everything in the works.

There's more great fun ahead; I hope you'll join me :-).

1 comment:

fleegle said...

Love the booties and the hats! Glad there was something to take your mind off your Horrible October.