Friday, November 27, 2009

Post Thanksgiving....

A micro-update ;-).

Yup, the Broncos won (26-6)! My mittens received lots of compliments - a little surprising in the sea of Broncos gear. They did their job well though and unlike the poor guy next to me, with all my various warm knitted items I was quite cozy. Of course I didn't sit still very much and that might've helped.

I did not cook the main meal but I was extra lucky - there was a "spare" pumpkin pie in my fridge when I returned home from the game...... Did you know pumpkin pie is excellent for breakfast?

All in all, it was a very good day indeed.....I hope yours was as well.


Mary said...

I prefer chocolate cake for breakfast....but The Drama Queen agrees, pumpkin pie for breakfast beats oatmeal. :)

Loved the Thanksgiving post.....made me all teary.

CurliSu said...

Jumped over here from Fleegle's blog - what is VBR?
"I tried MY mother's Bernat knitting needles with VBR"